
The development of the International market for transportation of oil together with the carriage needs, have led to an increased awareness both to the safety and to the environmental protection.
These have been the root for the setting up of Gestioni Armatoriali Srl.

Led by long friendship during the extensive experience in the maritime community, Mr. Nicola Coccia,
together with the Bazzi family of Ravenna, in 1993 commenced a new industrial project in the oil and chemical marine transportation.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Gestioni Armatoriali is chaired by Nicola Coccia, expert both in the shipping business, international finance and past president of the Italian Owners Association (Confitarma), well known maritime lawyer, flanked by Gian Luca Bazzi.

Organization Chart


The Company has established and maintains a documented procedure for establishing, implementing, and maintaining documented environmental objectives and targets at each relevant function and level in the office and on-board each ship under the management of the Company. The objectives and targets are measurable, where practicable and consistent with the environmental policy (included in the Company’s IMS policy), including the commitments to prevention of pollution, to compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the Company subscribes, and to continual improvement. When establishing and reviewing its objectives and targets, the Company considers the legal and other requirements to which the Company subscribes and its significant environmental aspects. The Company also considers its technological options, its financial, operational, and business requirements, and views of the interested parties. The Company establishes, implements, and maintains Environmental Management Programs (EMPs) for achieving its objectives and targets.
These programs include:
(a) designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each relevant function and level in shore office and on-board each ship.
(b) The means and timeframe by which they are to be achieved.

“Company mission is to operate and manage ships, without causing any untoward incidents and any spillages to sea, to fully protect the assets entrusted and to create enhanced value for the Shareholders and Owners.”
Company vision is to maintain and continually improve professional excellence in all spheres of activity involving marine oil transportation.

Company Polices